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Military Family & College Readiness

JISD provides support to our military-connected students and their families to help ease the challenges they face due to transitions. For many families with the Randolph AFB community; transition involves deployment, relocation and separation.  This frequent mobility often affects student's educational, social and emotional livelihood.  Strategies and opportunities are provided for success and create a positive school climate that addresses the social and emotional needs of the military-connected students. The Military Family and College Readiness Specialist will provide opportunities for students and families to explore and engage in college planning and preparation.

New to Judson ISD?

On behalf of Judson Independent School District, we would like to welcome you to our Family!! It is our goal to make your transition to our district as smooth as possible. Our website provides valuable information to assist you in your move.  It is our goal to make sure every military connected student receives the quality education they deserve, wherever they are in the world.

Sylvia Greenwood
Military Families & College Readiness Specialist
(210) 945-5362