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Create MySchoolBucks Account

To pay your student’s fees or buy something in the Judson School Store, you need to have a MySchoolBucks account.

  1. MySchoolBucks Home Screen
    Go to
    • If you have an account, Log In.
    • If you do not have an account, click on Sign Up Free

  2. MySchoolBucks Form
    Be sure to choose your state and district from the drop-down menus, then fill out the rest of the form.

  3. Once you have submitted the form, your profile will be created and you will be able to use the 
    MySchoolBuck Add Student Button
     button to enter information about your student(s).

Your Account is now Complete!


Want to go Mobile?

Download the MySchoolBucks app and get convenient access to purchases and make payments right from your phone.